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Chosen by Awards Judge Gerald Merfeld, who was looking for pieces that captured the "poetry of plein air painting".

Best of Show
Dawn Buckingham “Late Fall Shadows” Pastel

1st Place Signature
Peggy Immel “Furrows” Oil

1st Place Associate
Buffalo Kaplinski “Buckskin Pass” Watercolor

2nd Place Overall
Lydia Pottoff “Magic Hour” Pastel

3rd Place Overall
Carole Buschmann “Third Times A Charm” Pastel

Master Signature Award
Lorenzo Chavez “Evening Poem” Pastel

Artists’ Choice Award
Recieved the most votes by artists attending the opening
Peter Campbell “The Neighbor’s Barn” Oil

PAAC Board Award
Chosen by the current PAAC Board
Virginia Unseld “Giant Souls” Pastel

Allen Award
Chosen by Leslie Allen, one of the founders of PAAC.
Leslie Jorgensen “Field of Purple Astor” Acrylic

Honorable Mention
Bonnie Anthony “ Wind Whisperers” Oil

Honorable Mention
Mark Brockman “Cotton Wood” Pastel

Honorable Mention
Cindy Carillo “View from the Top” Oil

Honorable Mention
Jenifer Cline “The Old Guard” Oil

Honorable Mention
Andrea Gabel “Winter Acclimation” Oil

Honorable Mention
Shelley Howard “Brilliant Bells” Pastel

Honorable Mention
Kathleen Lanzoni “Cold Storage” Watercolor

Honorable Mention
Sabrina Stiles “ Sunshine and Snow at Dominico Farm” Pastel

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